Forensic Pathologist
Dr. Evi Untoro, a Forensic Pathologist, also learning in Forensic Anthropology, Forensic Genetics/ DNA, Forensic Radiology. She is a member of INDONESIAN National DVI Team (since 2007), INDONESIAN BANTEN Province DVI Team (since 2016), The Advisory Team in Forensic Pathology, and Forensic Anthropology SubWorkingGroup in INTERPOL DVI Team (since 2017). Right now she has the position of the Vice President Indonesian Region on INPALMS (Indo Pacific Associations of Law, Medicine, and Science) since 2013, the Member of APMLA (Asia Pacific Medico-Legal Agency) since 2013, IALM (International Academy of Legal Medicine) since 2011, AFOHR (Association of Forensic Odontology for Human Rights) Board Member 2019. She has been working in some Private and Government Hospitals for Forensic Cases (Clinical, and Pathology) and also called for Witness Expert in some Forensic Cases around the Asia Pacific. She has written some articles and publications as well as forensic books, researchers in the Forensic DNA Database of Indonesian and Asian (publications on Elsevier 2009 on Allele Frequency of CODIS 13 of Indonesian DNA Database). Interviewed in the making of some Forensic Movies in Indonesia. She has 5 years’ experience (2005-2010) in Identification of the Japanese Soldiers Human Remains of World War II victims of MIA (Missing in Action) in Papua and Makassar, Indonesia from the permission and invitation of the Japanese Government and Japanese Embassy in Indonesia which added more knowledge and skills of performance in forensic works. She was involved in many Disasters in Indonesia (Natural and Un-Natural) and took the joint training on DVI at several abroad countries using the DVI INTERPOL Guide as International Standards.
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