Mission | Vision | Purpose

Our Mission
Our mission is to empower individuals with the essential forensic expertise to promote justice on a global scale.

Our Vision
We visualize a society where forensic science plays a fundamental role in promoting justice, truth, security, and the well-being of communities.

Our Purpose
Our purpose is to excel in promoting knowledge, revealing the truth, and uniting forensic professionals across borders.

SIFS India is committed to empowering aspiring forensic enthusiasts with the knowledge and skills to excel in the field of forensic science, solve complex crime mysteries, and assist law enforcement through top-notch online and offline courses, trainings, and workshops. Our learning platform is ideal for professionals and students alike and prepares them to make a positive impact in this multidisciplinary field.
We work tirelessly to create a crime-free society and be the global leader in forensic science education, research, and innovation, ensuring justice and truth prevail at all levels.
We aim to act as a catalyst for spreading forensic science education and practice and unite forensic minds from diverse backgrounds, creating a global network of experts dedicated to supporting justice through science.

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