The conference has been educational and informative; it explored the dynamics of forensic Science and its applications in modern investigation to strengthen criminal justice systems and discovery science. I thank the organizers, speakers, and panel discussants!

Forensic science plays a pivotal role within the criminal justice system, employing principles from the physical, chemical, and biological sciences to advance its various disciplines in addressing legal inquiries. Over time, forensic science has gained recognition as the most important element in delivering justice. As a result, it becomes crucial for bringing justice that trends and advancements from around the world be shared.
The International Association of Scientists and Researchers (IASR), along with the Sherlock Institute of Forensic Science (SIFS), is pleased to introduce the IASR International eConference 2022 on Forensic Science. This eConference 2022 will give you the best chance to meet elite specialists in the fields of Forensic Science, Forensic Toxicology, Forensic Medicine, Forensic Physics, Document Examination, Finger Prints identification technologies, researchers in Forensic Science, and so on. The eConference will incorporate keynote sessions, oral presentations, poster presentations, and workshops. The eConference will provide a stage for specialists, researchers, academicians, clinicians, and experts across the globe to introduce their most recent research and new advancements and improve their insight through collaboration and the exchange of thoughts worldwide.