It was an awesome and informative session to learn about the latest updates of Cyber Attacks. COVID-19 has increased cyber crime so much. Thank you SIFS India for the awareness of such events.

COVID-19 witnessed a global lockdown, bringing life to a standstill. No one was allowed to move out. But the need to procure resources for everyday needs and other purposes remained the same. And hence, the usage of the internet increased manifolds. Almost all the offline activities were replaced by the internet. It changed the way we work. Increased online activity gave rise to cyber threats. Online security practice awareness is a must to fight virus-related threats, safeguard data, secure remote work cultures, and ensure digital protection.
Also, whether you face a COVID-19-like situation or not, with the increase in online activities, it is mandatory for all of you to take charge of your lives, be aware of online safety challenges, and learn how to face similar crises. Get ready to equip yourself with the ever-evolving cyber threat landscape in such scenarios and gain knowledge about practical internet security measures to shield yourself from these threats. Prepare yourself to remain a step ahead of cyberattacks.
This session on "Cyber Attacks During COVID-19 and Preventions" highlights online safety challenges and internet security measures you can take during COVID-19-like scenarios. So, get ready to learn how not to be a victim of cyberattacks in the future.