I am from the Philippine College of Criminology. The level of detail provided has been invaluable. This session was a veritable fountain of knowledge. This is by far the most useful presentation I have had the chance to attend.

Crime scene photography, also known as forensic photography, is essentially the use of photographic methods and techniques to aid legal investigations. Crime scene photographers tell a story with pictures. It is a visual documentation of the crime scene and is done to help investigators analyze the scene accurately by linking each picture to each other to create a story that led to the crime.
A crime scene that has been properly documented will explain the events that took place to anyone viewing the photographs. Missing photographs equate to missing pages of the story.
In this webinar on "Photographing Injuries", you will gain expert insights on techniques, angles, and lighting for documenting injuries, the scope of becoming a forensic photographer, and the latest developments in the field.