Neeraj Aarora
Neeraj Aarora is the legal adviser and consultant of CyberImmersions Solutions. Neeraj is an Advocate-on-Record (AOR), arbitrator and consultant on cyber law & digital forensics. Also being a technocrat, he has developed strong dominion over Cyber, Law & Finance domains and has unique ability to integrate Bit & Byte, Debit & Credit with Law. His exposure as Defense Lawyer, Special Public Prosecutor, Law Enforcement Officer and Arbitrator give him an edge to appraise any case from all the perspectives. He is the Managing Partner of his Techno Legal Firm, Hazen Legal Associates which specialized into Criminal Law, Cyber Law, Digital Evidence, , Privacy and other compliances under Information Technology Act, 2000. His specialize area is to handle techno-legal issue in Courts primarily relating to Computer Forensics, Audio-video Evidences, Block-chain, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Privacy, Robotics, Big-data, Drones, Data Protection etc. He specialize into handling techno-legal issues in criminal trial involving voice, video, computer particularly with art of cross-examination to bring truth before the court. He is also professional speaker on these techno-legal issues at National & International conferences. Mr. Aarora is a visiting faculty on these techno-legal issues with Indian Law Institute, National Judicial Academy, National Law University, National Police Academy, Judicial Academies, NICFS, CBI, ISACA, ISC2 and various other institutes of repute. He is also an Arbitrator & Member of Appellate Arbitral Tribunals at National & International Level. He has successfully handled more that 600 matters in mediation & given 300 awards as an Arbitrator & Member of Appellate Arbitral Tribunal and presided as Presiding Arbitrator in more than 50 cases.